Good night everyone,...

Today I would like to give answers about the text that we was read before. The tittle of the text is STICKS AND STONES enjoy the taxts by questions and answers ...

1. In paragraph 1, the author describes how he asked students "if they believed that dangerous
weapons were brought to school....”  What did the students think he meant by "dangerous
weapons"? What did the author mean?
Answer : The students think that bring weapons in the school is not dangerous. The author mean is that now students think that bring weapons is not dangerous. Everyday always there is degrading words,slurs,and put-downs.

2. What Is the problem that the author describes in this article?
Answer : in this article the author describes about problem that bring weapon in the school is very dangerous.

3. How many cases of the effects of destructive language does the author describe in paragraphs
Answer : In that case effects of destructive language there are 5 effect.

4. Describe each case: what happened to John? (paragraphs 2-6)
Answer : first ,case the harassment began with whispered slurs and comment as john walked by in the hallway, And after that tripping when he walked by or pushing him into a locker while yelling slurs. Second, case is on two occasions, several boys jumped john during the school day. While one of the boys put him in a head lock. One of the boys came up behind john at school and put a noose around his neck.

5. What happened to the girl? (paragraph 7)
Answer: the girl believed she might be harmed if another students knew she was jewish. Even when incidents of bias,, prejudice,harassment, and violence do not escalate.

6. What two kinds of language have increased in use lately? (paragraph 9)
Answer : first, word is the word that degrade others because of their gender,race,ethnicity,sexual orientation,religion,economic status, and physical and mental disability. Second, words are word appears to have increased in usage and intensity words that threaten violence.

7. What does the writer mean when he says "degrading language has desensitized... students?
(paragraph 11)
Answer : the writer mean is the case to understand or hear the real meanings of the only students who truly realize their impact and meaning are the boys or girls who are the target of the slurs, jokes, and put-downs the impact of debasing language on these student is powerful and destructive.

8. What are some of the negative effects of derogatory language, according to the author?
(paragraphs 12-19)
Answer : escalation, fear, rage, and loss of spirit.

9.Does the author think that here is an easy solution to the problem? What does he recommend?
(paragraphs 20-24)
Answer : the author think that no magic solution exists. But we can begin to change the culture in which the use of degrading language and violence appears acceptable to our students. To this we must in consistent, firm, but low-key ways, confront the use of these words.

10. Why is intervention useful? (paragraphs 25-27)
Answer : it significantly reduces the chance that students will be the victims of serious violence.

11. Who wrote the letter? When was it for? Who did they send it to? (paragraphs 31-2)
Answer :The latter was signed by the 18 members of the civil  rights team and their two faculty advisors. The latter send to the author article.

12. Does the author agree that “ more police officers.. are the solutions to school violence"? Who
does the author believe are the solution? (paragraph 34)
answer : the writer disagree with more police officers. The author believe that our students like the students who sent the latter are solution.

Thanks for coming and cheerio 


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