Report text "Pufferfish"

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Hello, what's up everyone, welcome back again. This opportunity I would like to show you about fish that may you have known before. Actually, this is my assignment class so that ONLY give information for you nothing else meaning except just only inform you. Why I decided Pufferfish, I think that fish is very unique species and as you know the pictures is real pict at Sari Beach at North of Pekalongan so that between I give information I also give you knowledge that in Pekalongan you have find this fish 🎏. What are you waiting for...let's read the information.

Pufferfish is a cute and dangerous fish. That’s kind familia of Tetraodontiformes. As a morphology pufferfish include by porcupine fish which have so many thorn on the skin and have a bone at the backside of them body. Tetraodontiformes prefer to four teeth on the upper and lower jaw to crush some eggshell like a crustacean, moluscca, and ect. In general pufferfish is a vertebrata animal which have a most poison after gold frog. 
Pict by Hesti Sulanjari 

Pufferfish have about 121 species. They live at tropis ocean and sub tropis ocean. Pufferfish have a poison at the top of they thorn. The poison name is Tetrodoksin and it can make some old people have a die. The poison can active after 30 minutes on the body of human. The poison have an effect like a died sensation in the skins at the fornt of the mouth, throw up, itch at hand, feeth and lips, and also it have more dangerous effect as paralysis, died due to difficult to breath and it can make amore fatal as died.
The poison at Pufferfish just to protect them from the predators. When in danger they will protect them with the poison that they have and the secound protect, pufferfish can make a them body as a balloon or big balloon in other to the not to be prey by them predators that have a bigest body that pufferfish. As a ocean of animal, the pufferfish is a yummy seafood when the cooking prosess it’s true.  
Pufferfish, therefore is a animal that have a poison but it can be seafood too.

Thanks for read and I hope is there any benefit for you. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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