Narrative text

Hi my friends, how are you. I hope you always have a great day. Welcome back to my e-paper.  Before you start at my content I want to thankful to God and reader that was reading my e-paper. For this occasion I’d like to present a narrative text. Did you know what is Narrative text?. Everones knows here ?. If you didn’t know maybe you can go to my previous content. Ok, don’t be late and let’s begin.

Amazing Summer
  Once day there was live a girl name’s Shasa Dine. She have a grandma name’s Ogut Dine. When a summer Shasa and Aiden visited to West America in the her grandma’s home. Ogut Dine was a kind of person who still believed with the stradition Indian ethnic. They believed when the blood moon many peoples just gave some food for each other. That’s mean to thakful to God.
Shasa and Aiden arrived when her grandma at home. She was very happy because she was  excited to listen many story about Indian ethnic by her grandma. As long as generation her grandma was a kind of Indian people at the town. Shasa and Aiden were very focus when her grandma started with her story about blood moon. Shasa believed that all story was truth and real.
On the one night Shasa and Aiden at basements to took some clothes and gave to charity. But, they felt any freaky in there. The basement was very old, dark, and so many dusk anywhere. Shasa saw a book and she took it. “Navajo book?” she said with a curious felling. She opened the book and suddenly Shasa and Aiden was gone.
The sun was shunshine, Shasa and Aiden shocked they were at some place that they didn’t know before. They saw white color at all. Shasa saw the book wich found at basemant. They readed at that book, “Do you want to go home, so you must come with me at three my wolrd and take me at last page in this book”, said the book in the first page. They tough it didn’t real but they felt it was very real. As long as they walked around at the white place they didn’t find the door or portal to back grandma’s home. The book said that “you must believe that you believe with each other as long as you here”. They tried to believed that. They felt very freaky they body changed to secound dimension like a paper. They steped wobbly when they walked to found the out door and go from here. Aiden saw him watch at 12 p.m and that mean they in here was a one day ago. Finally Aiden saw some door and said to Shasa taked out in here by the door.
They were thankful after passed that place but,... they arrived at secound place by following at the book. They saw many plannet, starts, meteorit, and the dark sky. When Shasa and Aiden saw they feet that was suprize because they was fly on the sky. “whoooohoooo...” they said. Shasa remmembered about the book and said with Aiden that they must finished at the last page before they forgot and felt cozy at this place. Shasa taked Aiden to get out  at the milky way but Aiden want to in the milky way. Aiden felt like a have a new wolrd to himself in spite of Aiden had a dream to be astronot. Shasa was never give up to taked him and said “ Are you forget with your family? Why do want to here forever? Why do you like this Aiden?”. “I have a dream to be an astronot and this me finally I’m an astronot whitout a collage that very expensive. I doesn’t to buy att all to be an astronot. I have here, righ now. I’m very tried now with you stupid book from the basemant” Aiden answer. “Are you serious? Aiden! Are you serious?” Shasa ask again and again.” Yes, I’m. I;m done!!!” answerd Aiden. After that Shasa got out and went to found where the next door.
As long as Shasa tried. Aiden remmember that they must belived each other so that they would it. Aiden and Shasa met at side of milky way and they didn’t control them. They taked by a whole or black whole that they found.
They Arrived at the third world. That was like a America but, that more modern than they know. So many robot and great machine everywhere. There was many car, it was fly at the blue and dark sky. Aspecially they arrive at 25th century when everything was great with the best technology ever. In that place they must found the last page of the Navajo book. They saw Navajo corporite. Aiden felt freaky that that place no peoples at all, it made an easy to went to last page. Shasa and Aiden always remmember that they must believed each other. Finally they found the last page at Nvajo corporite and taked a last page to beck to grandma home. At morning they woke up and saw a basement like they came first here. Aiden saw the nejavo book. “don’t open the book” said Shasa. You must believed with your friends and believed with yourself that everything did you want have effort and sacrifice, and if you didn’t ready you didn’t do now.

And the end
Thank you for read my stories. Guys you can give me opinion or critic about the story, incorrect tenses so that for the next will be better. Cheerio


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