Plastic should not be use food package_ analitycal exposition

Plastic should not be use food package

As we all know, plastic create air pollution also create ground pollution, and cause a lot of fish in the air deaths and other dengerous for earth.

Fistly, as we all know, contribute to most of the trash in the world. Plastic make by polyproplene carbonat (PPC) is consist carbon dioxide and soil. They are not good to food.
Secoundly, make your body far from healthy. Do you know that plastic can make your uper weigh because, plastic have biphenol (BPA) can make the cell of the fat uper.
Thirth, create pollution in foods. Especially for food have a warm tempherature. When plastic meet with warm food it can make dengerous compoud at food.
Fourth, plastic is a bigger create pollution. For sea it can make another fishs death, for earth polution in the ground an ect.

In other word that plastic is very dengerous for sea, for earth, and absolutly for your health. 


Ferian D Hananto mengatakan…
the generic structure are good, nice content plastic is not used because it is difficult to decompose, good grammar and there is no mistakes

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