News item "Election 2019"

Full-day Election 2019
Leader of fifteen committe place of general election at Silirejo village

        17 April 2019 at Silirejo was finish the biggest election ever. There are fifteen place to elected Silirejo peoples, every elected place has a duty to made the elected was clearly finish. We know that the general in this was very special because we must to elect five option are President and the president deputy, House of Representative (DPR RI), Leadership of Political Party of Provincial (DPD RI), Assembly at Provincial, and last Assembly at Regional that have different colour like grey card for President and the president deputy, yellow for House of Representative (DPR RI), red for Leadership of Political Party of Provincial (DPD RI), blue for Assembly at Provincial, and green Assembly at Regional.
“the election was made tired for us but we always gave a good perfoment for Indonesia and we hope from that we had knowladge that democration party very important for everyone especially youth ” Said Mr. Sudako as a Leader from fifhteen team of election place.
         General election must held based on 75th section 5th subsection, general election ordinance number 3rd about create the general election committee at district. General election committee number 36th 2018 has change general election committee number 3rd 2018 about election comcommitee, elected committee, and to coordination general election commote, so that at Silirejo village had about 15th committee consist by seven committee, two helper security and security. They must coordinated to the election was finish crearly.
In general at silirejo the elected started from 7 a.m until 3 a.m, that really full day service. 


Ferian D Hananto mengatakan…
the generic structure are good, good content too "good election". good grammar, i dont find mistakes in mechanic. very rich of vocabularies.

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