Explanation text_LGBT IN BRUNEI

Writing about explain text
The topic today is LGBT issues

How about LGBT in Brunei Darussalam 
       Lesbian gay, bisexuals, and transgender is acronym from LGBT. Gay community call Lgbt at old time. As we know so many community that have called like the acronym in the world. Although not everyone agree to call the same community as a LGBT. They are argue that the our trantransge and transexsual is not same with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB). They argue on the idea that transgender and bisexual associated with the identity of gander that regardless from sexual orientation.
      As we know that LGBT forbidden for Islam religion. There are many country most of the population is moslem. Among the moslem country Brunei Darussalam is a big moslem country at Asian for specially at Asian South East after Indonesia. For now Brunei Darussalam have declaration about the LGBT issue and, have a solution to punishment peoples off the LGBT issue. Brunei Darussalam declaration that have to stone to death with the doer of LGBT. The law (sharia), it’s mean about LGBT at Brunei to punishment and prevent act that not true in islam, also aim to educate, respect, and protect the legitimate all individuals, community, or the national anthem, religion, and race.
      Before the declaration, Brunei Darussalam decide the homosexual is a criminal and every person is subject at the casse can be punish at the jail as ten as years. In Brunei also have punishment for LGBT for between our women. The punisment is whip about 40 whip and stay in jail about 10 year. Brunei Darussalam more clear with this issue and have a massure by put up by islam sharia.
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Ferian D Hananto mengatakan…
the generic structure r very good, the content is matched to the context, good grammar, very rich of vocabularies

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