Recount text "Story from East Java"

 Hi my friends welcome back to my e-paper.  Actually it has been long time I don’t open my paper cause so many causes, and now I open again to one purpous. I would like to tell you about my experience at the last year. Before I inform you let’s me introduce, my short name is Sari and my long name is Sari Utari. I’m a student at Pekalongan University and now I’m second semester on faculty teaching training and english department. i think enough about me and let’s begin.


 Two month ago me and three of my friend went to Madura for three day as delegate an event by english and literature student association of Indonesia 2018. The event called second regional conference east Java. This event has a theme “We are Young Leader and Young Generation”. I though that very great opportunity for me and specially for english student cause in this place we shared about the organisation of english student association between each university which joined this conference. It was carried on Friday until Sunday, 21st until 23rd December at Trunojoyo University Madura, east Java.
I arrived at surabaya and after that, I went to Madura by ship from Tanjung Perak port about five minutes we arrived at Kamal port. The address of Trunojoyo University at Telang street, Kamat District, and bangkalan regency. When I arrived, I waited committe who was to bring me and my friends went the hostel of campus. As long as way I asked anything with my new friends about the Campus, the named of campus and many more.
At the first day, we watched opening ceremony at Cakra building and than we contued to discuss about this association and how it was born. At first nigh when dinner me and my friend went to bought some food at out of the environment of campus, but I felt freaky when we passed a dark way to go out the campus. I felt like a I at cemetery. That way was very lonely and there not the light from lamp or of kind of them. And finally at the night we found the light from high way at the front of campus. Me and my friends ate Sate of Madura which very delicious taste, I was full after that.
Secound day, we disscused about who would be the next committe and the last committe was tell about what did they do as a commite for two periode. We has result that Andrey from Muhammadiyah of Jember University as head leader for next perode. We has a different opinion about the periode that for the next periode only one year periode that last periode which two year. We agreed that one year periode more effective than two periode.
Third day, we went Pote cave at Madura to refresh the mind after all of agenda two days ago. This place was very beautiful place I though eventhough there was high temperature caused Pote cave was a withe rock mining so that this a not nature tourism place but like a nature place.
I has knowlage that an organisation would be great association has a great committe to cooperation even the distance one of constrain between us.

Goa Pote Tourism

Discussion agenda

All Delegates 

I hope you not bored, and thank for my friend to read my story. I recommend you to give me opinion and maybe critic about my e-paper to make better my paper in the next post. See you on the next my paper. Cheerio


Ferian D Hananto mengatakan…
organization : The generic structure r good
content : good, interesting
grammar : good gramnar
vocabulary : very rich of vocabularies
mechanic : i don't find any mistake here

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