
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2019


Good night everyone,... Today I would like to give answers about the text that we was read before. The tittle of the text is STICKS AND STONES enjoy the taxts by questions and answers ... 1. In paragraph 1, the author describes how he asked students "if they believed that dangerous weapons were brought to school....”  What did the students think he meant by "dangerous weapons"? What did the author mean? Answer : The students think that bring weapons in the school is not dangerous. The author mean is that now students think that bring weapons is not dangerous. Everyday always there is degrading words,slurs,and put-downs. 2. What Is the problem that the author describes in this article? Answer : in this article the author describes about problem that bring weapon in the school is very dangerous. 3. How many cases of the effects of destructive language does the author describe in paragraphs 2-7? Answer : In that case effects of destructive language there are

Reading for academic purposes "Text 11 Teaching for Character and Community"

Text 11 Teaching for Character  and Community Reading is activities shen you spell letter by letter, word by word, one by one in a text. So that, you will know the meaning of the text and new knowladge  do you get. Talk aboy reading, for this opportunities I would like to answer from quetions page 68-69  Reading Academic English (Judy Rapoport, Ronit Broder, Sarah Feingold) especially for the text has tittle is “Teaching for Character  and Community” 1. What kind of violence is increasing in schools? Answer : kind of violence increasing in schools are extreme schools violence, the insident ect. 2.Acordi the writer, what do teacher do with regard to the increase in the violence in the schools? What should they do? Answer : theachers should do bring weapons to schools and killing and injuring classmates and teachers-have increased. 3. Explain the sentence : “No consistent demographic profile emerged of the attackers.” Answer : some have histories of neglet, but other came

Cerita pendek "Kbohongan Ku"

selamat weekend dan selamat membaca... Kebohongan Ku Musim panas telah berlalu dan kini semua yang aku lakukan telah menjadi kenangan. Segala yang aku inginkan hanyalah sebuah angan. Hempas sudah pergi tanpa ada yang bisa aku ingat terkecuali hal yang pernah aku lakukan dan itu sia-sia. Bodohnya aku, tak memiliki keberanian dalam bertindak. Aku sangat kecewa dengan diriku sendiri sampai aku tahu ada hal yang seharusnya ingin aku lakukan namun, semua itu hanya sebuah angan. Semester dua akan dimulai dan disinilah awal dari segalanya. Aku mengenal kamu dari semester satu dan disemester dua aku menghancurkan pertemanan kita karena aku tak bisa mengikuti kata hati kita masing-masing. Kamu adalah sosok yang selalu aku kagumi selama beberapa tahun  belakangan ini. Dengan semua prestasimu yang kamu miliki sejak aku memandang wajah itu. Aku salut dengan segala yang kamu capai sampai aku hanya bisa menggigit jari dengan semua cerita yang telah kamu ceritakan kepadaku.  Awalnya aku