
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

News item "Election 2019"

Full-day Election 2019 Sudako Leader of fifteen committe place of general election at Silirejo village         17 April 2019 at Silirejo was finish the biggest election ever. There are fifteen place to elected Silirejo peoples, every elected place has a duty to made the elected was clearly finish. We know that the general in this was very special because we must to elect five option are President and the president deputy, House of Representative (DPR RI), Leadership of Political Party of Provincial (DPD RI), Assembly at Provincial, and last Assembly at Regional that have different colour like grey card for President and the president deputy, yellow for House of Representative (DPR RI), red for Leadership of Political Party of Provincial (DPD RI), blue for Assembly at Provincial, and green Assembly at Regional. “the election was made tired for us but we always gave a good perfoment for Indonesia and we hope from that we had knowladge that democration party very important for every

Petik khikmahnya

Assalamu’alikum wr wb Selamat malam semua. Bagaimana kabarnya ni? Lama nian tak jumpa, kembali dengan e-paper saya ya.. pada kesempatan yang kali ini saya berniat menulis sebuah cerita singkat tentang pengalaman saya, pengalaman yang menyadarkan saya bahwa indah tak selama7nya sehat. Ya saya dulu berpikiran demikian. Sekarang kadang juga sama tapi tidak lagi sepenuhnya berpikiran seperti itu. Tak menunggu lama langsung aja kita mulai. TAK SELAMANYA INDAH ITU SEHAT DAN ENAK DI PANDANG Judulnya udah ketebak ya.. eitss tunggu dulu. Dari judul itu teman – teman pasti mikirnya apa ya..?, Ape noh... aduh gimana sih mau nebak ga nyampe, maklumi aja saya bukan peramal atau ahli hal tebak menebak. Jujur paling bete main  tebak – tebak an apalagi peka –peka an, kode - kode anmmmmm. Lebih baik to the point ya daripada kode – kode an. Kaya anak remaja yang baru puber aja. Ingat umur udah hampir kepala dua atau bahkan udah kepala dua. Masa puber udah hampir hilang, tidak berlaku anggapan sebag

Explanation text_LGBT IN BRUNEI

Writing about explain text The topic today is LGBT issues How about LGBT in Brunei Darussalam         Lesbian gay, bisexuals, and transgender is acronym from LGBT. Gay community call Lgbt at old time. As we know so many community that have called like the acronym in the world. Although not everyone agree to call the same community as a LGBT. They are argue that the our trantransge and transexsual is not same with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB). They argue on the idea that transgender and bisexual associated with the identity of gander that regardless from sexual orientation.       As we know that LGBT forbidden for Islam religion. There are many country most of the population is moslem. Among the moslem country Brunei Darussalam is a big moslem country at Asian for specially at Asian South East after Indonesia. For now Brunei Darussalam have declaration about the LGBT issue and, have a solution to punishment peoples off the LGBT issue. Brunei Darussalam declaration that hav

How to Make Your Instagram Feed be Better

How to Make Your Instagram Feed be Better Materials: 9Square Application PictArt Application UNUM Application Some Picture Background picture An Internet Steps : 1. First, You must have All applications over. When you don’t have them apps you able to download at Play Store or an internet. 2. Second, prepare the pictures that you want to be background in your feed and, you also prepare some pictures which will be post at your instagram. 3. Third, open the 9square apps and click icone image after that, click gallery to choose the background your feed. Choose the option crop background there are 3x1, 3x2, 3x3, 3x4, 2x2, and etc. After you choose you click crop at right above side, click save all and than your background is ready now to use. 4. Fourth, open the PictArt apps, you will see menu at the under side of the front face of this apps. Choose plus icon to create a new editing. You will see some recent picture in your Photo gallery on PictArt apps. Choose your crop back